Saturday, March 19, 2016

Walk for Life 2016

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Children are precious to God. He shows this time and time again throughout the Bible. We are told to have faith like a child, to protect the fatherless, to take care not to lead children astray.

The unspeakably horrible practice of abortion must be absolutely heart-breaking to our King who values children and human life so highly. He knew us before we were born, while we were still in our mother's wombs. He knew every little thing about us and loved us completely.

As His workers, it is our job to spread God's kingdom throughout this earth through both evangelism and good works. The Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) of Radford, Virginia does this by striving to protect the little children of the world on a daily basis.

The PRC provides many resources and services for women with unplanned pregnancies and shows them that choosing not to abort the unborn children within them is both right and possible.

They not only provide counseling and such services as ultrasounds for free, they also work to care for their clients' physical needs in the form of supplies such as diapers and wipes. Babies can be both expensive and overwhelming and having someone there to help and guide both spiritually and physically is a real blessing to many new mothers.

Throughout the year, the PRC must continually raise funds to sustain their ministry and two major fundraisers provide most of the resources for the year. One is the Baby Bottle Campaign, where churches hand out empty baby bottles to their members to be filled with loose change and returned a few weeks later.

The second is the Walk for Life, where "walkers" ask for sponsors for a few months before meeting to walk two miles together. The Walk for Life this year is April 30 at Bisset Park in Radford. My siblings and I are participating as part of a team with our Youth Group.

The PRC's overall goal for this event is to raise $35,000. At the time of this post, they are only 9% of the way there. My personal goal is $1000 of which I have raised $50.

Please consider whether you can support the PRC this year either by sponsoring a walker, becoming a walker, or (especially) praying!

If you would like more information on the Pregnancy Resource Center and their work, you can find that here:

If you would like to sponsor me, you can do so by clicking the following link and then the yellow button on the right that says GIVE on this page:

From there you can sponsor anyone on my team or any other walkers for the event by searching for them.

If you would like to register as a walker yourself, you can do so here:

Just click REGISTER and follow the instructions.

Whatever you do, please pray for the Pregnancy Resource Center and for this event. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support!


Monday, March 14, 2016

Almost Like It Was Planned That Way...

If one were to go all the way back to my very first post on this particular blog, one would come across a paragraph on why it is called how He loves us. For those of you who are too lazy to do so (or just have a life outside of the internet), I will copy it here:

Also, I was going to call this blog all for Him but the web address was already taken, so it is now how He loves us. (web address: because "love" spelled correctly was taken too) I was going to call it all for Him because I've been thinking a lot lately about what God wants me to do with my life - both long-term and right now - and how I can glorify Him and do it "all for Him" no matter what it is I'm doing.

So, definitely not a bad thing to think about. We were all created for "good works, which God planned beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10b) Our purpose in life should be to carry out God's plan for said life.

As I said before however, this blog did not end up with the title of all for Him.

When I started writing on here almost two years ago, that was what was occupying my mind a lot and what I was really thinking about. But as I grew, and my blog grew, it seems to have changed. As I look back and think about old posts and stories and pieces of my testimony, I see just how fitting the name how He loves us has turned out to be. Almost like it was planned that way.

My goal with this post is not to start a crazy and confusing predestination debate or anything, but rather to appreciate how God promises to look out for us and care for us constantly.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

I've got to admit, I really struggle with trusting God to take control of my life. I mean, I know He has control already, but I am not willing to accept that fact in every area of my walk with Him. I think that I know better and that I can do better because I can see my plans for my future. I can't see God's plans for my future and that scares me a little bit. Because what if they're different from mine? What if He doesn't want me to be a writer or have kids or go to college? What if He wants me to give up my dreams in order to follow His plan for me? His very much existent and good plan, as stated in the verse in Jeremiah.

The disciples left everything behind in order to follow Christ. They left their families, their jobs, their homes. They committed to following Him completely. They went all in. I want to be that devoted to Christ. I want to be willing to give up what I want, no matter how tremendously difficult and flat-out terrifying that is. I pray that God will help me to be able to say "I surrender all my human soul desires. If sacrifice requires that all my kingdoms fall, I surrender all." (I Surrender All, Clay Crosse)

Because He knows the plans He has for me. Plans to prosper me and not to harm me. Plans to give me a hope and a future. And He has the same for you.

This blog post took an extreme turn from the direction I planned on heading. I don't think I even said what I planned on saying, but I'm not going to change it. It just seems right. Almost like it was planned that way.


Thursday, March 3, 2016


Hello everybody! I managed to find a spare minute when there was no school that I could really do (though plenty left, I assure you :D) to write an update.

But it's not so much an update as another introduction.

My last post, Introducing Following Orders!, was all about posting the book I'm writing on here. By the way, I'm nearing the end - yay! It was extremely jumbled up and I forgot to mention where you can even read the book, but it is all better now because...

I am taking down the first chapter of Following Orders!

If you were planning on reading it, please don't panic yet!

In addition to this change, I have started another blog exclusively for posting books. You can read any and all books that I post on that blog - Booked. This is not to make things crazier and more insane but to clean things up so that this blog can stay straightforward and simple.

At the publication of this post, there is only one post over on Booked, but it explains basically how I'm thinking things are going to work. I won't rewrite it all here, but you can go read all of that if you're interested. As always, suggestions and ideas are more than welcome.

The web address (correct terminology?) is: Now I need to go hunt out some more work that I can do. Bye!
