Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What Makes Me Smile...

...going to the movies with friends (then Sweet Frog)

...playing soccer with people I don't know (and just about anyone else)

...realizing I somehow made someone's day

...laughing after a long day

...writing - a lot

...singing worship songs

...listening to a baby laugh

...reading a good book in a quiet place

...finally getting a math problem right

...being encouraged

...talking with friends dogs and s'mores around a fire at Youth Group


...helping make Thanksgiving dinner and other big meals

...putting smiley faces in an e-mail :)

...thinking up stories about real people and made up ones

...seeing someone do something amazing and being told I can do it too

...getting ready for a ball

...dancing and singing (alone with no one watching)

...really good chocolate

...planning for trips

...airports (I know, how weird is that, right?)

...finishing something I've been working on

...cookouts and picnics with friends

...other people smiling


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